
苏州 - Suzhou

Our group took our third and final program trip together and visited the city of Suzhou. Like most of the cities we visit in China, Suzhou is a very ancient city. It was once a capital of the Spring and Autumn Period, where the King Helu humbling named the city the Great City of Helu. The city is most famous for its gardens and landscaping. Walking through the center of town, we crossed many beautiful canals and little picturesque streets. We stayed at a very nice hostel that was right along a pedestrian street that followed a canal. It gave the city a kind of cozy feeling for me, even though it rained on our last day there. The highlights of the trip included a visit to the Suzhou Museum and the Humble Administrator's Garden. Both are best shown through pictures, so you can look through my facebook album at your leisure.


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