
What kind of massage?

I thought this was an amusing sign. I assumed it was a poor translation but found out there is actually some meaning behind it. In China, there is a tradition of having blind masseurs since you are usually not clothed while getting a massage. This way, you can maintain decency and still get a good massage! Not all massage places are like this, but if I want a blind masseur, I know where to go!


Sara Beth said...

Haha...I love it...makes perfect sense, right? Lovely blogs, yet again, my wonderful writer...keep'em coming, they are great!!

Love and miss you!!

Your favorite cousin :)

P.S.-I'll try to send you some dress pictures sometime...remind me if I forget!

Amberlynn said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time in China. Thats great! I would get a blind massage. I can see where that would make it more comfortable. At least I can read it!! haha

Take care!

-Amber Schader