
More Dormitory Exploring

Here are some more features of my dorm room.

I have troubadours outside my room! This is Corey showing Kalah how his "guqin" works.

This is my awesome, tiny homework book. This is where I practice my characters and write sentences. Oh yeah, Mickey is hardcore.

This is my first assigned essay in my Chinese class. It is about introducing my lovely family! (If you are a Renes, you must learn Chinese to know what I have to say about you!)

The final feature in my Chinese dorm room. Here, I have a cell phone. I finally, somewhat reluctantly, entered the new millenium.... with the cheapest cell phone I could buy. I mostly use it as an alarm clock.

Thank you for joining me in this short tour of my dorm room in China!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Hi Amy! I've always thought that Mickey Rocks!! I've been enjoying your pictures on facebook, now I know this sight to read and see more. Your Mom, Dad and Rachel visited last night. So, your Dad put your blog in my favorites!! You and a cell phone with that "new millenium"- me and my computer saavy...lacking! Fun to read the fun and exciting things your doing. Have a good rest of your time. Love, Aunt Janelle